XboxHD+ Software
This guide is for the installation of the XboxHD+ software and kernel patch.
Say goodbye to the hassle of software patching! With Project Stellar, enjoy a seamless installation experience where software patching becomes a thing of the past.
- OpenXenium installed.
- Tested and verified that OpenXenium is accessible via network. (Both HTTP and FTP)
- System is fully working.
Hard Drive Preparation
Step 1
Boot console to XeniumOS via the eject button.
Step 2
Download the latest XboxHD+ app release.
Step 3
Extract the files and FTP over contents to the C drive. Files must be placed on the C drive. (Inside of a folder called 'xboxhd' as shown)
Step 4
Leave Xbox on and continue to the next section.
Patching BIOS with kpatcher Support
Step 1
Download the latest kpatch IPS file for your BIOS of choice.
Step 2
Apply patch to BIOS by following the link to the patching guide for the corresponding BIOS patch. (Due to legal reasons we can not distribute the BIOS files)
Step 3
FTP the patched BIOS file over to Xbox. It's recommended to store the BIOS file inside of a folder on the C drive called 'BIOS' for future refrences.
Step 4
Flash BIOS.
Step 5
Set the newly flashed BIOS as the default BIOS.
Step 6
Ensure that 'Instant Boot' is enabled. This automatically boot the default BIOS on power up.
At this point you can reboot the Xbox. This will boot the patched BIOS.
Step 1
Launch the XboxHD+ app. If all went well you should now see the configuration app and text that says 'Kernel patch loader detected'.
All Done
And that's it! Installation of the XboxHD+ kit can now continue.