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XboxHD+ Software

This guide is for the installation of the XboxHD+ software and kernel patch.


Say goodbye to the hassle of software patching! With Project Stellar, enjoy a seamless installation experience where software patching becomes a thing of the past.


  • OpenXenium installed.
    • Tested and verified that OpenXenium is accessible via network. (Both HTTP and FTP)
  • System is fully working.

Hard Drive Preparation

Step 1

Boot console to XeniumOS via the eject button.

XeniumOS Boot Screen

Step 2

Download the latest XboxHD+ app release.

Latest Release

FTP BIOS bin file

Step 3

Extract the files and FTP over contents to the C drive. Files must be placed on the C drive. (Inside of a folder called 'xboxhd' as shown)

XeniumOS Boot Screen

Step 4

Leave Xbox on and continue to the next section.

Patching BIOS with kpatcher Support

Step 1

Download the latest kpatch IPS file for your BIOS of choice.

BIOS Patches

Step 2

Apply patch to BIOS by following the link to the patching guide for the corresponding BIOS patch. (Due to legal reasons we can not distribute the BIOS files)

BIOS Guides

Step 3

FTP the patched BIOS file over to Xbox. It's recommended to store the BIOS file inside of a folder on the C drive called 'BIOS' for future refrences.

FTP BIOS bin file

Step 4

Flash BIOS.

BIOS Flashing Step 1 BIOS Flashing Step 2 BIOS Flashing Step 3 BIOS Flashing Step 4 BIOS Flashing Step 5 BIOS Flashing Step 6 BIOS Flashing Step 7 BIOS Flashing Step 8

Step 5

Set the newly flashed BIOS as the default BIOS.

BIOS Flashing Step 9 BIOS Flashing Step 10

Step 6

Ensure that 'Instant Boot' is enabled. This automatically boot the default BIOS on power up.

BIOS Flashing Step 11 BIOS Flashing Step 12 BIOS Flashing Step 13


At this point you can reboot the Xbox. This will boot the patched BIOS.

Step 1

Launch the XboxHD+ app. If all went well you should now see the configuration app and text that says 'Kernel patch loader detected'. Kernel patch installation verification

All Done

And that's it! Installation of the XboxHD+ kit can now continue.