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This guide is for patching the ind.5003.xx BIOS.


Say goodbye to the hassle of software patching! With Project Stellar, enjoy a seamless installation experience where software patching becomes a thing of the past.

Start by placing the IPS patch inside of an empty folder with the ind.5003.xx BIOS.

Step 1

Open XBtool, choose 'Multi' for BIOS Type, and click ‘Unpack’, then choose your BIOS for the system you’re patching.

Step 2

Step 3

At this point, you should have an xboxkrnl.img file inside subfolder of the BIOS location.

Step 4 Step 4

Now open up Lunar IPS and click ‘Apply Patch’

Step 5

Choose the ind-bios.5003.xx.ips patch file.

Step 6

Set 'Files of type:' from 'Most Common ROM Files' to 'All Files' and choose the xboxkrnl.img

Step 7

Step 8

Now open back up XBtool, choose 'Multi' for BIOS Type, and click 'Pack'. Choose the patched xboxkrnl.img

Step 9

For the 'Save As' give the new BIOS a unique name, such as ind-bios.5003.06.(HD1.4.3), and click save.

Step 11

Your BIOS is now patched! Flash the BIOS to your modchip of choice and verify by launching the XboxHD+ app.


Flashing the modified HDMI BIOS to the console's TSOP is not supported. You have been warned!