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XboxHDMI QSB (Xbox 1.0 - 1.1)

Installation guide for the XboxHDMI QSB on Xbox revision 1.0 - 1.1.

Brief Overview

Xbox motherboard revisions 1.0 and 1.1 require an additional QSB board for signal conditioning.


The QSB solders on to the bottom side of the Xbox motherboard.

QSB Installation Overview

Start by soldering each connection. After soldering the first connection use a pair of tweezers to hold the board as flat as possible while making the other connections. (The Xbox motherboard has a slight curve to it do the CPU/GPU mounts)

QSB Close up

On the top side of the motherboard is a single resistor that needs to be swapped out. Included with the QSB kit is a 47ohm resistor. Resistor Location


Verification and troubleshooting can be performed by measuring the resistance using the chart below.

Connection 1Connection 2Resistance
🟠 CLKI⚫ GND<= 200 ohm
🟠 CLKI🔴 VIDEO_1v5<= 200 ohm
🔵 FIELD🔴 VIDEO_1v5<= 100 ohm

Troubleshooting Guide

QSB PCB Layout

QSB PCB Layout